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HaxorGoo: A GUI Frontend for Haxorizor (windows)

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HaxorGoo is a GUI project for Haxorizor, It’s written/made in Visual Basic. HaxorGoo require Framework 3.5 or any later version to work. You can download HaxorGoo from here or here (currently only [haxorizor] 32 bit is pre-compiled, If you have 64 bit then you have to compile it yourself).

The package is tested only on Windows XP, but it should work on Windows Vista and Windows 7. The application does not need to be installed, just double click on HaxorGoo.exe and it will work unless if you don’t have Framework 3.5 installed. You can download the Framework from here.

You can read the manual here.

Please email me or post a comment if you have anything to say. For support please go to our Forum.

Written by AnxiousNut

March 28, 2009 at 2:03 pm

Please don’t read this. move along…

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If you’re reading this, that means i’ve failed to stop you from wasting a couple of minutes of your life.. *sigh* don’t blame me.

this is an intractive tutorial gone bad. after wasting hours on it, i decided to upload it (i didn’t want my had work to go to wast).  if you you want to download this then click this.

i tried to warn you, but do you listen?


Written by seininn

March 22, 2009 at 1:56 pm

Haxorizor: +|-|3 }{/-\><0|2!2()|2 P|20_|3<+ 0\/\/|\|5

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The Haxorizor project was started to produce a highly customizable bi-platform dynamic l33t character encoder; it takes in normal alphabetical character and spits out it’s l33t equivalent. it was also started out of boredom. Currently, Haxorizor can be used in live (interactive) mode and for processing entire text files. it should be noted that live mode is available only when the source is compiled for linux and is not available on windows. On the other hand, a full-featured GUI has been made available for Windows users as a separate program that uses Haxorizor to encode characters. it is also included in the package.

Although it’s still in alpha, it can be downloaded here. extract the tar.gz archive and read the installation instruction is the INSTALL file. note that the source is compatible with windows but you’ll need to compile it directly using gcc. linux users can compile and install it using the build.sh script. Any feedback IS appreciated! you can comment here directly or email me at sigtermer.at.gmail.com.

just a note… the title was generated by haxorizor in live mode 🙂

SIGTERMer & Anxious Nut

Written by seininn

March 19, 2009 at 2:02 pm

Working on a Vigilante8-like game.. Any Suggestions

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Working on a Vigilante 8-like game.. Any Suggestions?



I intend to write a game that has a mixture of Vigilante8, AirCombat, and an extra dash of sonic. if anybody has any ideas or requests this is the time to speak.
I don’t know how far i’m going to go this time, but there is a good chance i might actually pull it off! although collision detection is still a fogy area for me.
anyways, any suggestions are appreciated.


Written by seininn

March 12, 2009 at 9:07 am

Posted in GNU/LINUX, News, Projects

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Running Windows 3.1 in Linux

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1. DOSBox, ways to download it:
a. Open the terminal and type sudo apt-get install dosbox
b. Open Synaptic and download it (assuming you’re using ubuntu).
c. Go to its website and download it.

2. Windows 3.1, finding this was a problem, but I found a website that lets you download it for free, but you’ll have to make an account. Here’s the link: http://vetusware.com/download/Windows%203.1/?id=3391

1. Move the -downloaded- Windows 3.1 file/folder to a directory of your choice (Do not change its place after placing it, cause some steps depend on its path), extract it if it was zipped.
2. Open the directory that contains Windows 3.1’s files, you’ll find several folders named “Disk1”, “Disk2”, “Disk3”, …, “Disk7”.
3. Make a new folder named “CombinedFiles”.
4. Return to the directory that contains the disks. Now, move all the files in every disk folder to “CombinedFiles” folder.
5. Open “CombinedFiles” the folder that contains all the disks files, search for a file named “SETUP.EXE”, and open it with DOSBox. Once you’ve pressed it, DOSBox should start running, and then the installation begins.
6. Install it, it wont take time, and every time it asks you to put another disk press “Enter”. The installation should finish without any problems.
7. You’ll be asked whether if you’d to restart your computer or switch to MS-DOS, at that point switch to MS-DOS and quit DOSBox. So type in “exit” and press “Enter”. If that didn’t work, press “Ctrl + F9”. FYI If you didn’t exit DOSBox, Windows will not work in a good way and -probably- you wont be able to use your mouse.
8. Now go to “/home/YourName/” and make a new text file and name it “dosbox.conf”, copy and paste the following (don’t forget to change the path):
# Lines in this section will be run at startup. Type the following in on a new line:
mount C: /home/...path.../CombinedFiles/
9. Now you have two ways to run Windows 3.1:
a. Open DOSBox, type “cd WINDOWS“, and then type “win” and hit the “enter”.
b. Open any *.EXE from “CombinedFiles” with DOSBox, type “cd WINDOWS“, and then type “win” and hit the “enter

1. To kill DOSBox press “LeftCtrl + F9”
2. To get out your mouse from DOSBox prss “LeftCtrl + F10”
3. It boots in 3 seconds! (if not less)


Anxious Nut

Written by AnxiousNut

March 7, 2009 at 11:59 am

An easy and rapid GUI design with xmessage RETRO-STYLE (On Linux, BSD, and anything else running X)

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Probably at one point in your life, you will wake up wanting to create a GUI fast! whether it’s a front-end for some software you are writing, or just for the heck of it (i said probably). this simple how-to will teach you how to do just that.

The objective of this article is to design a GUI as fast and as effortlessly as possible. if you want more flashy GUI similar to what you usually get when you start a program, I’d recommend glade.

because we want the least effort we will be using bash (yes a terminal) to deploy and manage our GUI. The key player is xmessage (see “man 1 xmessage” for more detail). this is a simple yet incredibly useful program that displays a simple GUI dialog on the screen. its simplest form is:

xmessage "SIG is cool"

try that in your terminal and hit enter. if you did, you will see the following window:

see, even X thinks i’m cool :p

there are other futures that make xmessage more user friendly, and more usable. for instance, add the -default okay switch to activate the okay button when you hit enter. also, you can load an entire text file in the text area by using -file.

now, how about adding a few extra buttons? you can add more buttons by using the -buttons switch. two buttons are added: “yes”, and “no”. “yes” is the default. the command:

xmessage "SIG is cool" -buttons "yes:10, no:11" -default yes


run it.

at this point you might be wondering how this can help make a robust GUI for your application. this is where bash really comes in. open a text editor and write the following:

#! /bin/bash
xmessage -center "SIG is cool" -buttons "yes:10, no:11" -default yes
if [ $answer -eq 10 ]; then
        xmessage -center "You rock man" -default okay
        xmessage -center ";_; ... i'm not crying ..." -default okay

this is a simple bash script that behaves in the following manner:

"SIG is cool"
  +-> yes: "You rock man"
  +-> no: ";_; ... i'm not crying ..."

first save your script as “sig.sh”. then add excution permissions:

cd /your/scripts/directory
chmod +x sig.sh

once this has been done, simple start the script by issuing: (while still in the same directory)


or you can double click, and choose run. any way you do it you should get the following:

if you choose yes, and

if you choose no…


Written by seininn

March 4, 2009 at 10:15 am

Gollywood Gannel is OUT!!

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It’s finally here; the one and only original Gollywood Gannel. It is available on YouTube In separate sections! Watch the greatest Pokemon start-ups, laugh out loud with the hilarious Buddies, and relive the best moments with Rock the Eagle: The Movie. This product is made by Blue King and Silver Knight in 2008, but Gollywood Gannel has just been uploaded, so watch and you’ll never regret, so enjoy…

here’s a part of a program that we really enjoyed:

List of all Gollywood Gannel programs:
1.   GPS (Greatest Pokemon Startups)
2.   Go Barney (A Video Dangerous To The Mind)
3.   Guessing Game
4.   Glimpse Of Our Live
5.   Guest Segment (Baskal Episode 1 & 2)
6.   Gommercial (Commercial For Pink Programs)
7.   G True Hidden Identities: Special Episode
8.   Good Talk (The Famous Talk Show)
9.   Gay Group (Not Friends, Buddies)
10. Gollywood Movie (Rock The Eagle)

Q8BooK4U and Anxious Nut

Written by AnxiousNut

February 23, 2009 at 8:54 pm

Posted in News, Projects

[SME] Game Engine Pre-Beta Release!

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I dedicate this project to each and every Muslim in Gaza, may God be with you…
They WILL pay sooner or later, but they will pay and that’s a fact!
Death Tole: Approx. 700 dead and counting.

The game engine is finally ready for pre-beta testing! please help out by downloading and testing it. take a look:

If you cant view the video, click here to download. but note that this server upload rate is limited to 512Mbps and there is probably no buffering. you have been warned.

You will need the following to run the program:

  1. A computer with a good processor (recommended: over 3GHz for single core processors, and 1.8GHz for multi-core processors)
  2. A graphics card with hardware acceleration (recommended: with 128MB or better)
  3. The system must be running Linux 2.6 or later (windows users see the Don’t Have Linux? section)
  4. You will need to have  ether SDL (HIGHLY recommended) or GLUT. This might have been done automatically for you. Refer to your OS documentation (or check your package manager).

First, download this. this is a compressed archive containing two executables; one built with SDL, and the other for  GLUT. extract the two programs and double-click. Note that the GLUT version suffers from several bugs, but it will run (see the I want GLUT! section). this is because all active development is concentrated on the SDL version. Don’t judge the project on this version. Try SDL first!

Also Note that the source of this project is not included with the package but is freely available. if you want the code please email me. Note that the code will be available – Insha2 Allah – with the official beta release 🙂

you can also use the terminal to run the programs. This gives you more options regarding resolution. just type ./SM-SDL or ./SM-GLUT to start the program (make sure your in the directory first). you can alternatively specify custom resolution. the default resolution is 640 by 480. you can specify any value as long as your hardware can support it. I recommend 1280 by 600.

Finally, Please leave a comment if you decide to download the package. You are under no obligation to report back or even run it. I just would like to get an idea on how many people actually downloaded it. and no, I’m not good at PHP 🙂
And if you decide to try it out, please give me your opinion. Don’t try to be nice (assuming that you will), just give me you honest opinion no matter how harsh it may seem.

Don’t Have Linux?
So you don’t have linux installed? well, you’re in luck. you can run linux and try out this game engine without having to change anything on your hard drive. just follow these simple steps:

  1. Download an GNU/Linux live CD. I recommend Ubuntu, and these steps will be based on it.
  2. The image should be approximately 700MB. Burn it on a blank CD.
  3. Insert the new CD and choose the first option. Don’t worry, this will not install the system. it will simply load the system into RAM, and therefor is not permanent.
  4. This will take a few minutes. when your done, you should have a full desktop up and running.
  5. Click system (the upper left of your monitor), then click Administration>Hardware Drivers.
  6. You should get a window with a list of drivers for your hardware. check and see if your graphics card driver is listed with them. if it isn’t, go to step 7. However, if it is, see if it is enabled and in use (green dot). If not enable it (you might need an internet connection). it might complain that a program failed, if so close the program. now press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace so that the new driver can be activated. If you are not sure you have hardware acceleration read the notes bellow.
  7. Download the pre-beta package, choose save, and extract it on you desktop by right-clicking the package and selecting “extract here”.
  8. Go back up and continue on reading where you left off>

I want GLUT!
There are special consideration to be taken into account when using the GLUT version. First of all, you will need to press and hold the left mouse button so that mouse movement can effect the game (library limitation). Also, any directional key you press will effect and continue to effect the engine until the program is terminated. In other words, use the SDL version.


  • If you’re not sure weather hardware acceleration is enabled or not, do the following:
    Right-click on an empty space on your desktop. Then select Change Desktop Background from the list. select the last tab titled Visual Effects and select Extra. If it is selected, try moving the window. If it jiggles, then you in luck and the graphics card driver is in use.
  • Ubuntu comes with software called Mesa. this software can substitute for hardware accelerated graphics, but because it’s software, it is far more slower then hardware. It might be able to run the game. But it’s unlikely that the game will be playable or will even run correctly. It didn’t for me.
  • Note that you may need to change the permissions of these two files in order to be able to run them. To do this, open the terminal and change the current working directory to the one containing the two programs. Then type chmod 740 * If the two files are the only files in the directory, or type chmod 740 file name where file name is the name of file you want to run.

Written by seininn

January 11, 2009 at 8:15 pm

[SME] Development Screen shots: Second Take.. with SDL!

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Alslam 3laikom all,

The past couple of days were interesting to say the least. i have decided to bail out on GLUT and use SDL (SDL and GLUT are both cross-platform libraries that deal with window mangers and event handling). SDL gives me far more control over input handling and video display. and as a result, the game can now run in full screen mode 1280*800, a CPU killer considering i’m using a 1.83GHz laptop with a 128MB nVidia GPU that preforms like a 97 year-old when i run Quake 4. it can also run in 16*16 mode for those of you out there who can’t get over the microscopic screen of the Gameboy color 🙂

The engine now also supports multiple players using one keyboard (3 at the moment, any more than that would be overdoing it).

anyways, let me leave you with outdated screen shots.. as usual. note that these aren’t the SDL shots. i tend to show you old pix. haha

PS: Only ten days left till the project deadline.. yeah it’s a project for school (somebody shoot me if i ever decide to do a project like this ever again!)

Top Image: Low Detail Level for high frame rate. Bottom Image: Higher Detail but takes about .25s which is very slow for this type of games.

Halfway into modeling the berd.. yes i'm ditching Mr. teapot

sky shot of the finished model.

here watch an old video.. yeah cool oooo yahoo

Written by seininn

December 31, 2008 at 12:11 am